Enhanced Marketing Growth Initiative

EMGI SEO Solutions

Proven link building strategies that help SaaS companies excel, thrive, and grow.

Our Approach

At The Enhanced Marketing Growth Initiative, we take a personalized and relationship-focused approach to link building. We understand that building high-quality backlinks requires more than just technical expertise - it also requires a deep understanding of your industry and the key players within it. That's why we've spent a lot of time building relationships with influential websites and thought leaders, so that we can help our clients secure the best possible links for their business. Here's how we do it:

1. Personalized Strategy

We don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to link building. Instead, we take the time to understand your business, your industry, and your unique needs and goals. From there, we develop a customized link building strategy that is tailored to your specific business and target audience. This personalized approach ensures that we're targeting the right websites and thought leaders for your business, and that we're securing the best possible links for your industry.

2. Relationship Building

Link building is all about relationships - and we take this aspect of our work very seriously. We've spent ages building relationships with influential websites and thought leaders in your industry, so that we can help you secure the best possible links for your business. By leveraging our existing relationships and expertise, we're able to secure high-quality backlinks that would be difficult or impossible to get through traditional outreach methods.

3. Data-Driven Results

We believe in a data-driven approach to link building, because we know that results are what matter most to our clients. Throughout the link building process, we closely monitor and analyze data to track our progress and optimize our results. By using the latest tools and techniques, we're able to identify the best opportunities for building high-quality backlinks and maximize your ROI.

Results: Driving Growth and Success for Our Clients

At EMGI, we care about delivering tangible results first and foremost. Our success is measured by your results and long-term partnerships. That's why we work tirelessly to help our clients achieve their goals. Here are a few good examples of the results we've achieved for our clients:

Article Forge
Article Forge
When we started working with Article Forge, they were ranking for around 1,000 organic keywords. We helped this client with their content strategy and we were able to help them increase their organic search visibility and start ranking for more than 4,000 keywords within just a few months.
We helped Neuroflash start ranking in the top three for some really competitive keywords with a SEMrush difficulty score of 80+. In just a few months, we were able to help them increase their Domain Rating (DR) from 57 to 61. This client continues to work with us because we continually deliver 4+ DR70-90 links each month.
We've also built DR70-80 backlinks for Lovo. This SaaS company has an awesome product, but is operating in a competitive space. Building authoritative and relevant backlinks isn't always easy, until we come in and continuously secure solid placements.
Matt's Backlink Building Service
Henrik Roth

Henrik Roth @ Neuroflash

Matt’s backlink building service has been a game-changer for our website’s SEO. Within a short time, he could build high-authority backlinks. His expertise in securing high-quality backlinks from top-tier websites was evident in the remarkable results achieved. Matt’s professionalism, communication, and commitment were outstanding. We highly recommend him for anyone seeking better SEO rankings and increased organic traffic.

About EMGI

Building Relationships and Driving Growth for SaaS Companies

Hey, I'm Matt Shirley, the founder of The Enhanced Marketing Growth Initiative (EMGI). With a professional background in digital technology and many years of building niche websites, I founded EMGI with the goal of helping SaaS companies drive organic long-term growth through strategic link building.

How We Differ

EMGI's personalized and relationship-focused approach to link building is different to other companies who solely rely on traditional outreach. The four pillars of our link building system explain exactly how we get our clients the best results possible. Excited to learn more?

Our strategy is effective at bringing in results for our clients – that’s why we have been featured by the likes of Design Rush. Anyway… here’s what makes us different!

We don't try to be everything to everyone. Instead, we focus exclusively on relationship link building for SaaS companies. By honing in on this niche, we have established a level of expertise and understanding that other agencies simply can't match. We know the ins and outs of the SaaS industry, and we have the relationships and expertise to obtain guaranteed results.

Building long-term relationships with key industry players is the foundation of successful link building for SaaS companies. We don't just reach out to random websites and hope for the best - we take the time to build genuine relationships with powerhouse companies. By doing so, we're able to secure impressive backlinks that pack a punch and are also super relevant to your business.

We're not in the business of aimless link building - we're strategists in the business of driving real results for our clients. Our data-driven approach to link building helps us make measurable progress and optimize your results. Regardless of your specific goals, we put in place the strategy and system to get you there. 

We will always say this first to you. We don't see ourselves as just an outsourced service provider - we want to be your partner in growth. Our founder, Matt Shirley, is committed to building lasting relationships with all clients, and our collaborative approach to link building is what drives the results. Have you got an SEO or marketing team already? If so, great we will work with them. If not, that's great too, we can help educate you in the world of SEO.