Unlinked Mentions for SaaS SEO: Find & Claim Backlinks

Unlinked Mentions

Unlinked mentions for SaaS SEO are a valuable opportunity to improve online visibility and build backlinks that enhance domain authority and drive organic traffic. By identifying and converting these mentions into links SaaS companies strengthen their SEO efforts, increase their search engine rankings and capitalize on existing brand awareness.

For finding and claiming unlinked mentions to turn them into backlinks, use tools to track brand mentions, manually search for mentions, analyze whether they include backlinks, reach out to website owners to request a link and monitor and follow up.

Turning unlinked mentions into backlinks improves SaaS SEO rankings, increases referral traffic, builds brand authority, boosts domain authority, enhances online visibility, strengthens relationships with industry sites, leads to greater online presence, credibility, and improved search engine performance.

This guide covers strategies to find and convert unlinked mentions into backlinks for your SaaS business to boost SEO efforts and enhance online visibility.

What are Unlinked Mentions?

Unlinked mentions occur when a brand, product or service is referenced online without a corresponding hyperlink to its website. These mentions represent opportunities for engagement, as brands  reach out to the publishers for backlinks, boosting their authority, visibility and potential traffic while enhancing brand recognition.

What is the Importance of Unlinked Mentions?

Unlinked mentions are important because they build SaaS brand awareness, improve brand authority, open opportunities for link building, enhance SEO indirectly, and foster relationships with content creators. The mentions increase online visibility, trust and potential backlink opportunities to boost brand credibility.

Here’s why unlinked mentions are important:

Builds SaaS Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers recognize and recall a brand to influence their purchasing decisions and loyalty. Unlinked brand mentions contribute to SaaS brand awareness by exposing the brand to new audiences through various platforms. When users encounter these mentions they become familiar with the brand to increase recognition. As more people see the brand referenced in different contexts the visibility fosters a sense of trust and credibility. Unlinked mentions also spark curiosity and prompt users to search for the brand online. Engaging with publishers who mention the brand further amplifies awareness through social shares and discussions.

Improves SaaS Brand Authority

Brand authority refers to the perceived expertise and trustworthiness of a brand within the industry to influence consumer confidence and decision-making. Unlinked brand mentions enhance SaaS brand authority by positioning the brand as a thought leader in the niche. When reputable sources reference a brand the referencing signals credibility to potential customers. The unlinked mentions contribute to the brand’s narrative and showcasing the relevance and expertise without needing direct links. Increased visibility through unlinked mentions lead to discussions and endorsements within industry circles that further solidifying authority. Engaging with the people who mention the brand foster relationships that enhance the company’s reputation.

Opens Opportunities for SaaS Link Building

SaaS link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to a SaaS company’s site to enhance the online visibility, authority and search engine rankings. Unlinked brand mentions open opportunities for SaaS link building by providing a list of potential sources that have already acknowledged the brand. By reaching out to these publishers brands request backlinks to their sites to leverage existing recognition. The approach often results in higher response rates since the publishers are already familiar with the brand. Unlinked mentions  highlight content that resonates with the audience that allows brands to create targeted link-building strategies. Engaging with the sources lead to collaborative content, guest posts or other partnership opportunities.

Enhances SaaS SEO Indirectly

Enhancing SEO indirectly refers to improving a website’s search engine rankings and visibility through activities that do not involve traditional optimization techniques such as creating backlinks or optimizing on-page elements. Unlinked brand mentions enhance SaaS SEO indirectly by increasing brand visibility across various platforms that lead to more searches for the brand. As awareness grows users may begin searching for the brand directly and signal to search engines that the brand is relevant and trustworthy. The unlinked mentions also drive traffic to other sites and create buzz and discussion around the brand. When users engage with the brand in forums or social media, the engagement generates organic conversations that improve brand authority. 

Fosters Relationships with SaaS Content Creators

Relationships with content creators refer to the collaborative partnerships formed between brands and individuals who produce digital content. Unlinked brand mentions foster relationships with SaaS content creators by providing a basis for outreach and engagement. When a content creator mentions a brand without linking to the brand’s content, the mention indicates familiarity and makes them more receptive to communication. Brands reach out to these creators to express appreciation and explore opportunities for collaboration such as guest posts or co-branded content. The outreach leads to a stronger connection and encourages creators to consider linking to the brand in future content. Fostering the relationships allows brands to leverage the creators’ audiences and amplify their reach. Over time the partnerships result in ongoing collaboration and enhance brand visibility and authority within the industry.

How to Find and Claim Unlinked Mentions to Turn Them into Backlinks?

To find and claim unlinked mentions to turn them into backlinks, use tools to track brand mentions, manually search for mentions, analyze whether they include backlinks, reach out to website owners to request a link and monitor and follow up.

Here’s how to find and claim unlinked mentions to turn them into backlinks:

Use Tools to Track Brand Mentions

Tools to track brand mentions are software solutions that monitor the web for references to a brand, product or service across various online platforms. The tools help find unlinked mentions by scanning websites, social media and blogs for any instance where the brand is mentioned without a hyperlink. Once identified brands compile a list of these mentions and prioritize outreach efforts. By reaching out to the publishers, brands request backlinks to their site that turn the unlinked mentions into valuable links. The tools often provide analytics on the reach and engagement of each mention and help brands tailor their approach for maximum impact.

Search for Mentions Manually

Searching for mentions manually involves the process of directly exploring various online platforms and content to identify references to a brand, product or service without relying on automated tools. The method helps in finding unlinked mentions by allowing brands to conduct targeted searches using specific keywords related to their name or products across search engines and social media platforms. By actively engaging in the search brands discover mentions that automated tools might miss particularly in niche forums or smaller blogs. Once identified, brands reach out to the content creators or publishers to express appreciation and request backlinks to their site, and turn the mentions into valuable links. The hands-on approach allows brands to gauge the context in which they are mentioned and helps tailor their outreach strategy effectively.

Analyze the Mentions

Analyzing the mentions involves evaluating the context, sentiment and engagement surrounding brand references across various online platforms. The analysis helps in finding unlinked mentions by revealing where the brand is mentioned and the nature of those mentions. By assessing sentiment brands prioritize positive mentions for outreach to increase the likelihood of favorable responses. Understanding the context allows brands to tailor their communication effectively and is more relevant to the content creator or publisher. Identifying high-engagement mentions highlight influential sources that yield significant backlinks.

Reach Out to Website Owners

Reaching out to website owners involves contacting the individuals or entities responsible for a site to discuss potential collaboration, acknowledgment or requests for backlinks. The approach helps in finding unlinked mentions by establishing direct communication with the people who have already referenced the brand to indicate familiarity. By expressing gratitude for their mention brands initiate a dialogue that may lead to requesting a backlink and enhancing the chance of a positive response. Personalized outreach allows brands to tailor their messages to each site owner and make their requests more relevant and compelling. Engaging with website owners foster long-term relationships that result in future collaborations and increased brand exposure.

Monitor and Follow Up

Monitoring and follow-up involve continuously tracking the status of outreach efforts and maintaining communication with website owners after initial contact. The practice helps in finding unlinked mentions by ensuring that brands stay aware of any responses or developments related to their outreach requests. By monitoring interactions brands identify which website owners are open to collaboration or backlink opportunities that allow for timely follow-ups. Regular follow-ups demonstrate persistence and rekindle interest from site owners who may have overlooked the initial request. The process allows brands to adjust their outreach strategy based on the feedback received to increase the chances of converting unlinked mentions into backlinks

What are the Benefits of Turning Unlinked Mentions into Backlinks?

The benefits of turning unlinked mentions into backlinks improves SaaS SEO rankings, increases referral traffic, builds brand authority, boosts domain authority, enhances online visibility, strengthens relationships with industry sites, leads to greater online presence, credibility, and improved search engine performance.

Let’s discuss the benefits of turning unlinked mentions into backlinks in detail:

Improves SaaS SEO Rankings

SaaS SEO ranking refers to the position of a software-as-a-service website on search engine results pages (SERPs) based on the visibility, authority and relevance to specific keywords. Turning unlinked mentions into backlinks improves SaaS SEO rankings by increasing the website’s authority in the eyes of search engines. Each backlink serves as a vote of confidence that signals to search engines that the brand is trustworthy and relevant within the industry. As more authoritative sites link to the SaaS brand the domain authority increases, positively impacting the SaaS rankings. Backlinks drive referral traffic and bring in more visitors who may convert into customers.

Increases Referral Traffic

Referral traffic refers to visitors who arrive at a website through links from other sites rather than through direct visits or search engine results. Turning unlinked mentions into backlinks increases referral traffic by creating direct pathways for users to access the SaaS brand from other websites where the link is mentioned. When a brand is cited in an article, blog or social media post and subsequently receives a backlink the citation encourages readers to click through to learn more about the product or service. As more websites link to the brand the likelihood of users discovering and engaging with the brand rises leads to increased website visits. The influx of referral traffic enhances brand visibility and offers opportunities for conversions as visitors who arrive through backlinks have a pre-existing interest in the brand.

Builds SaaS Brand Authority

SaaS brand authority refers to the perceived expertise and trustworthiness of a software-as-a-service brand within the industry that influences consumer confidence and decision-making. Turning unlinked mentions into backlinks builds SaaS brand authority by establishing the brand as a credible source within the niche. When other reputable websites link to a SaaS brand the linking signals to both consumers and search engines that the brand is trusted and recognized by industry peers. The external validation enhances the brand’s reputation and helps potential customers to view the brand as a reliable solution to their needs. As brand authority increases the visibility leads to more organic mentions and backlinks from other sources and creates a positive feedback loop that further solidifies the brand’s standing in the market.

Boosts Domain Authority

Domain authority is a search engine ranking score developed by Moz that predicts how well a website will perform in search engine results that is based on factors like backlinks, content quality and overall SEO efforts. Turning unlinked mentions into backlinks boosts domain authority by increasing the number of high-quality links pointing to a website. Each backlink serves as an endorsement from other sites that enhances the perceived credibility and trustworthiness of the domain in the eyes of search engines. As more authoritative websites link to the brand the company’s domain authority increases and improves the chances of ranking higher in search results. The heightened authority enhances visibility and attracts more organic traffic that further strengthens the site’s SEO performance.

Enhances Online Visibility

Online visibility refers to how easily a brand or website is found by users on the internet and is measured by the presence in search engine results, social media and other online platforms.

Turning unlinked mentions into backlinks enhances online visibility by creating direct links that connect users to the brand’s website from various sources across the web. When reputable sites reference a brand and include backlinks the referencing increases the likelihood of the brand appearing in search engine results and makes the brand more accessible to potential customers. The backlinks drive traffic from the referring sites and signal to search engines that the brand is relevant and trustworthy that leads to improved rankings.

Strengthens Relationships with SaaS Industry Sites

Strengthening relationships with SaaS industry sites involves building and nurturing connections with other businesses, publications and influencers within the software-as-a-service ecosystem to foster collaboration and mutual support. Turning unlinked mentions into backlinks strengthens relationships with SaaS industry sites by providing an opportunity for direct engagement with content creators and website owners who have already acknowledged the brand. When brands reach out to thank the sites for the mention and request a backlink it initiates a dialogue that leads to further collaboration such as guest posts, co-branded content or joint marketing efforts. The proactive approach enhances the brand’s visibility and demonstrates a commitment to building a supportive network within the industry.

What are the Types of Unlinked Mentions You Should Look For?

The types of unlinked mentions you should look for include product reviews and comparisons, brand mentions, content mentions, use of images, event mentions, research citations, social media mentions, industry news or trend features, influencer mentions, and discussions in forums or communities.

Let’s discuss each type of unlinked mentions you should look for in detail:

Product Reviews and Comparisons

Product reviews and comparisons are mentions where your SaaS product is evaluated against competitors. The evaluation often occurs on review platforms, tech blogs or industry websites. Monitoring the unlinked mentions allows you to identify where your product is being discussed without a backlink. By reaching out you request a link to your product page and improve credibility and referral traffic. Such backlinks also enhance authority as the pages typically attract targeted audiences. Engaging with the reviewers leads to stronger relationships and potentially secure more reviews in the future.

Brand Mentions

Brand mentions occur when your SaaS brand is referenced by name but without a hyperlink to your site. The brand mentions appear in blog posts, news articles or press releases. Identifying and converting the brand mentions into backlinks improves SEO and boosts brand visibility. Reach out to the content creators, expressing appreciation for the mention and requesting a link. The approach strengthens your relationship with the publisher and increases the likelihood of future collaborations. Brand mentions in authoritative publications signal trust to potential customers.

Content Mentions

Content mentions are references to specific pieces of content you’ve created such as blogs, whitepapers or guides. If your content is cited without a backlink grab the opportunity to gain credit for your work and drive more traffic to your site. Reach out to the content publisher and politely ask for a link back to the original piece. The relationship strengthens your content marketing efforts by increasing visibility and authority. Content mentions also encourages other sites to link to your valuable resources in the future. Getting backlinks for your content improves search engine rankings.

Use of Images

Use of images mentioned happen when websites use your images, charts, infographics or other visual assets without linking back to your site. The visuals often attract attention and make them prime opportunities to gain backlinks. By reaching out to the site owner you request proper attribution in the form of a hyperlink. The images credits your work and drives referral traffic from viewers interested in the source of the image. Visual content often circulates widely so turning images into backlinks significantly impacts your domain authority. Over time such mentions help establish your brand as a visual resource in your industry.

Event Mentions

Event mentions refer to occasions when your brand or team is mentioned in relation to an industry event such as a conference, webinar or speaking engagement. If the event mentions are unlinked they are excellent opportunities to gain visibility. By requesting a backlink from the event host or other platforms covering the event you drive traffic to your site. The event mentions helps build brand authority as event-related backlinks often come from high-traffic, reputable sources. They also strengthen your connections within the event’s network. Ongoing engagement with event hosts lead to future collaborations and partnerships.

Research Mentions

Research mentions occur when your brand’s research, data or insights are referenced in articles, reports or studies. The citations add value to the content but may not always include a backlink to your original source. Requesting a backlink ensures your brand is recognized for the contribution and enhances your credibility. Research-based backlinks tend to come from authoritative sites that significantly boost your SEO. Establishing your brand as a thought leader encourages others to reference your research. Over time, the backlinks contribute to building domain authority and trust in your industry.

Social Media Mentions

Social media mentions are references to your brand or content across platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook. While the mentions may not always include traditional backlinks they still lead to valuable engagement and visibility. Monitoring the social media mentions allows you to identify influencers or communities that discuss your brand. While backlinks are less common on social media, engage with users and offer additional resources or direct them to your website. Social mentions also drive referral traffic and spark conversations that lead to other forms of backlinks. Engaging with users on social media strengthens brand loyalty and builds relationships.

Industry News or Trend Features

Industry news or trend features often mention brands in the context of broader market trends or shifts. If your brand is mentioned in the articles without a backlink, it’s an opportunity to increase credibility by associating your name with timely and relevant topics. Reach out to the publishers and ask for a link back to your site. The backlinks tend to be high-value because news articles often come from well-known publications with significant traffic. Aligning your brand with industry trends positions you as an authority in your niche. The visibility from trends leads to long-term benefits such as increased media coverage.

Influencer Mentions

Influencer mentions occur when individuals with a significant online following reference your brand or product. The influencer mentions happen in blogs, social media or video content but may not always include a backlink. Reaching out to influencers and asking them to link to your site converts their followers into website visitors. Influencers tend to have a loyal and engaged audience that leads to increased referral traffic and brand awareness. Building strong relationships with influencers lead to ongoing collaboration opportunities. Backlinks from influencers boost credibility and trust with potential customers.

Forums and Community Discussions

Forums and community discussions involve users mentioning your brand or product in online platforms like Reddit, Quora or niche forums. The mentions often happen organically but may not include a link back to your site. Engaging with the communities and asking moderators or users to link to your brand helps drive targeted traffic. The backlinks also enhance your visibility in highly engaged and niche audiences. Being active in the community discussions further builds trust and authority in your community. Over time, the backlinks improve your site’s SEO and attract potential customers from highly relevant forums.

What are the Tools to Track Unlinked Brand Mentions?

The tools to track unlinked brand mentions include Semrush, Awario, Brand24, Hootsuite, Google Alerts, BuzzSumo, Brandwatch, Keyhole, Mentionlytics, Sprout Social, Talkwalker, BrandMentions, Mention, Meltwater, YouScan, Ahrefs, Digimind, and Sendible. The tracking tools for unlinked brand mentions monitor online brand references.

The following are the details of the tools to track unlinked brand mentions:


Semrush is an all-in-one marketing platform that offers SEO, competitor analysis and content marketing tools to help track brand visibility and online performance. Semrush tracks unlinked brand mentions through its “Brand Monitoring” tool that scans websites, blogs and forums for references to your brand or products. You set up campaigns to monitor specific keywords related to your brand. Once Semrush finds a mention the tool provides detailed information about the source that include whether or not it includes a backlink. You filter mentions by language, location or source type to prioritize outreach efforts. The tool also provides insights into the authority of the websites mentioning your brand. Through the analysis you convert unlinked mentions into valuable backlinks to improve SEO.


Awario is a social listening tool that tracks online conversations and mentions of your brand in real-time across websites and social media. Awario tracks unlinked brand mentions by monitoring the web that include blogs, forums, news sites and social media platforms. You set up keyword alerts related to your brand and the tool notifies you whenever a new mention is found. The tool highlights whether the mention includes a link or not that allows you to focus on unlinked mentions for outreach. The dashboard offers a sentiment analysis feature to understand how your brand is being perceived. Awario also categorizes mentions based on their influence and reach and helps you prioritize high-value mentions for backlink requests. The method efficiently converts unlinked brand mentions into SEO-boosting backlinks.


Brand24 is a media monitoring tool that tracks brand mentions across the web, social media, blogs and forums. Brand24 tracks unlinked brand mentions by scanning multiple online sources for your specified keywords. The tool provides real-time alerts whenever your brand is mentioned and helps stay up-to-date. The tool also indicates whether the mention includes a backlink and helps you identify unlinked mentions quickly. You categorize mentions by importance, reach or sentiment that allows for a targeted approach in reaching out to the sources. Brand24 offers in-depth analytics to track the impact of these mentions over time.  


Hootsuite is a social media management platform that helps brands monitor their online presence and schedule posts across various social networks. Hootsuite tracks unlinked brand mentions by monitoring social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Through the streams feature you set up search terms related to your brand to see real-time conversations and mentions. While the tool primarily focuses on social media, Hootsuite allows you to catch mentions that might not include direct links to your website. The mentions are then targeted for engagement and backlink requests. By integrating with other tools Hootsuite helps identify key influencers and posts to enhance your outreach efforts.

Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free tool that tracks specific keywords and notifies you via email whenever they appear online. Google Alerts tracks unlinked brand mentions by scanning Google’s index for new content containing your chosen keywords such as your brand name or product. It sends real-time notifications whenever a mention is detected and helps you stay aware of new content. However, the tool doesn’t indicate whether the mention includes a backlink so you must manually review each result. Despite the simplicity Google Alerts is useful for catching mentions on blogs, news sites and smaller websites. The tool is ideal for identifying potential backlink opportunities and following up with site owners. While limited in analytics the tool helps streamline the search for unlinked mentions across the web.

BuzzSumo Limited

BuzzSumo is a content research tool that helps track brand mentions and identify the most shared content across the web. BuzzSumo tracks unlinked brand mentions by monitoring content shared on blogs, social media and websites. You  set up keyword alerts to track your brand name and get notified whenever it’s mentioned online. The tool offers an engagement analysis feature to show how often the mention has been shared, liked or commented on. BuzzSumo also provides insights into the authority of the domain mentioning your brand and helps you prioritize high-value mentions. If the mention doesn’t include a backlink you reach out to the source to request one. The strategy helps boost your SEO and brand authority over time.


Brandwatch is a social media listening and analytics tool that provides insights into online conversations around your brand. Brandwatch tracks unlinked brand mentions by scanning millions of online sources that include social media, blogs, forums and news sites. The brandwatch offers powerful filtering options to find mentions of your brand that don’t include backlinks. The tool also provides sentiment analysis to understand how users are discussing your brand and help you prioritize positive mentions for outreach. Brandwatch highlights influential mentions based on the authority of the source. By engaging with the sources you request backlinks and build relationships with key industry players. The tool’s detailed analytics help track the success of converting unlinked mentions into backlinks.


Keyhole is a social media tracking tool that monitors brand mentions and tracks the performance of specific keywords or hashtags. Keyhole tracks unlinked brand mentions by scanning social media platforms, blogs and online discussions for mentions of your brand or related keywords. You set up alerts to get notified whenever your brand is mentioned and the dashboard provides real-time data on the source and reach of each mention. Although the tool mainly focuses on social platforms Keyhole’s tracking extends to blogs and other online sources where your brand may be unlinked. By identifying the unlinked mentions you engage with the content creator and request a backlink. The tool also offers influencer tracking and is easier to convert mentions into high-value backlinks.


Mentionlytics is a media monitoring tool that tracks brand mentions across the web that include social media, blogs and news outlets. Mentionlytics tracks unlinked brand mentions by monitoring multiple platforms for your brand name or specific keywords. The tool offers real-time alerts whenever your brand is mentioned and helps you stay up-to-date on new opportunities. The tool categorizes mentions by sentiment and influence and is easier to prioritize which unlinked mentions to target for backlinks. Mentionlytics also highlights the authority of the site mentioning your brand that allows you to focus on high-impact sources. You engage directly with these mentions through the platform to request backlinks. By tracking and converting unlinked mentions you enhance both your SEO and brand visibility.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social media management and monitoring tool that helps brands track mentions, schedule posts and analyze performance. Sprout Social tracks unlinked brand mentions by monitoring social media platforms for specific keywords related to your brand. The tool’s real-time tracking allows you to catch conversations or mentions that don’t include backlinks. While the tool’s focus is on social media Sprout Social  integrates with other tools to help you monitor broader web mentions as well. By engaging with the mentions you request backlinks where relevant.The tool provides sentiment analysis and user demographics and helps you tailor your outreach strategy. 


Talkwalker is a social media analytics and monitoring tool that tracks brand mentions across the web that include social media, blogs and news sites. Talkwalker tracks unlinked brand mentions by scanning millions of websites and online platforms that include social media and traditional news outlets. You  set up specific keyword alerts for your brand to get real-time notifications whenever a mention occurs. The tool highlights whether a mention includes a backlink and is easier to identify unlinked mentions for outreach. Talkwalker also provides in-depth analytics on the sentiment and reach of the mention and help prioritize high-value sources. You then reach out to the publishers to request a backlink.  The process helps increase your SEO authority while building valuable industry connections.


BrandMentions is a tool designed to track brand mentions across websites, social media, forums and blogs in real-time. BrandMentions tracks unlinked mentions by monitoring various platforms and sending real-time alerts when your brand is mentioned. The tool offers insights into whether the mentions include a backlink and help you easily spot unlinked opportunities. BrandMentions allows you to filter mentions by reach, engagement or sentiment to ensure that you focus on the most valuable opportunities. By reaching out to the sites or users mentioning your brand without a link you request a backlink. The request also provides a detailed analysis of the impact of each mention and enables targeted outreach efforts.


Mention is a real-time media monitoring tool that tracks brand mentions across social media, websites and news sources. Mention tracks unlinked mentions by scanning online sources that include blogs, forums and social media platforms, for references to your brand. It offers keyword-based alerts to notify you when your brand is mentioned and help you spot unlinked mentions quickly. The tool’s dashboard provides sentiment analysis and engagement metrics that allows you to focus on high-impact mentions. You engage with these mentions directly from the platform to request a backlink. Mention also offers insights into the influence and reach of each source and helps prioritize outreach efforts. By turning these unlinked mentions into backlinks you improve both brand visibility and SEO.


Meltwater is a media intelligence platform that provides monitoring, analytics and engagement tools for brands looking to track their online presence. Meltwater tracks unlinked brand mentions by scanning millions of online sources that include news articles, blogs and social media. It provides real-time alerts whenever your brand is mentioned that allows you to catch unlinked mentions as they happen. The platform offers advanced analytics, showing the reach and sentiment of each mention and helping prioritize outreach. Meltwater also integrates with other tools for more comprehensive monitoring, ensuring you don’t miss valuable mentions. By converting unlinked mentions into backlinks you enhance your SEO performance.  The process also strengthens your brand’s online authority.


YouScan is a social media listening tool that monitors online conversations and images related to your brand. YouScan tracks unlinked mentions by scanning social media platforms, blogs, forums and even image-based content for references to your brand. The tool uses image recognition technology to identify visual mentions that allows you to track both textual and non-textual mentions of your brand. It sends real-time notifications whenever your brand is mentioned without a link. YouScan offers sentiment analysis and audience insights and helps you understand the context behind the mention. By reaching out to sources that mention your brand without a backlink you request proper attribution and a link.


Ahrefs is an SEO tool that provides site audits, backlink analysis and keyword tracking to help improve online visibility. Ahrefs tracks unlinked brand mentions by scanning millions of websites and online sources for keywords related to your brand. It highlights mentions that don’t include backlinks that allow you to target them for outreach. The tool’s backlink analysis feature also identifies sites that are linking to your competitors but not to you and help you discover new opportunities. Ahrefs provides detailed metrics on the domain authority and traffic of each site mentioning your brand. The tool helps prioritize high-value mentions that significantly impact your SEO. By converting unlinked mentions into backlinks you improve your site’s domain authority and search rankings.


Digimind is a social listening and media monitoring platform that helps brands track their online presence and market trends. Digimind tracks unlinked mentions by scanning social media, news outlets and online publications for mentions of your brand. The tool provides real-time alerts whenever your brand is mentioned that allows you to catch unlinked mentions quickly. Digimind also offers sentiment analysis and influence metrics and helps prioritize high-impact mentions for backlink requests. Digimind’s competitor analysis feature allows you to see where your competitors are being mentioned, offering additional backlink opportunities. By engaging with unlinked mentions and requesting backlinks you enhance your online visibility. 


Sendible is a social media management tool that helps brands monitor mentions, schedule posts and engage with their audience. Sendible tracks unlinked mentions by monitoring social media platforms, blogs and news sites for references to your brand. You set up keyword alerts to get notified whenever your brand is mentioned without a backlink. The platform offers insights into the reach and engagement of each mention that allows you to prioritize outreach efforts. Sendible’s engagement tools na is easy to connect with content creators and request backlinks. By converting unlinked mentions into backlinks youboost your brand’s SEO and referral traffic.The platform’s analytics help track the success of your outreach efforts over time.

What is the Difference Between Unlinked Mentions and Linked Mentions?

The main difference between unlinked mentions and linked mentions is that unlinked mentions reference a brand or product without a clickable hyperlink and offer indirect SEO value. Linked mentions include a hyperlink that improves SEO, drives traffic and boosts domain authority.

What is the Difference Between Unlinked Mentions and Shared Mentions?

The main difference between unlinked mentions and shared mentions is that unlinked mentions refer to a brand being mentioned online without a hyperlink and shared mentions involve users sharing content or posts about a brand on social media to increase visibility.

How do Brand Mentions Help Boost SaaS SEO?

Brand mentions help boost SaaS SEO by increasing brand visibility, trust and authority across the web. Both linked and unlinked mentions improve search engine rankings by indirectly influencing domain authority, referral traffic and brand reputation. When a brand is frequently mentioned across websites, forums or social media the mentions signal to search engines that the brand is gaining recognition and credibility. 

Even unlinked mentions contribute to  the effect by associating the brand with industry-specific content that builds trustworthiness and relevance in the eyes of search algorithms. Linked mentions provide additional SEO benefits by creating backlinks that enhance domain authority. The backlinks drive referral traffic and improve search rankings as search engines interpret them as endorsements of the brand’s value.

Picture of Matt Emgi
Matt Emgi
Matt is the Founder and Head of Link Building of EMGI. Matt is an experienced Link Builder and SEO Consultant who has worked with clients across many SaaS verticals - AI SaaS, Lead Gen SaaS, HR SaaS, and Cybersecurity SaaS to name but a few. Matt has built a significant following on LinkedIn and is viewed as one of the top names in SaaS link building.

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