Link Baiting for SaaS: 8 Ideas, 7 Strategies, 20+ Examples

Link Baiting Ideas for SaaS Content to gain Quality Links

Link baiting is a link building strategy aimed at generating high-quality inbound links by creating highly valuable and engaging content that naturally attracts attention and encourages other websites to link back to it. For Software as a Service (SaaS) companies, link bait content leads to increased backlinks, enhanced online visibility, established brand authority in the relevant niche, improved search engine rankings, cost-effective content marketing, increased user engagement, potential leads and conversions, and long-term SEO benefits.

The best ideas of link baiting include creating statistics pages, using surveys to tell engaging stories, using publicly available data and rankings, creating tools and calculators, creating in-depth mega-guides, creating awesome graphics or infographics, offering ebooks, and creating very evergreen content.

The most common and effective link baiting strategies include creating practical link bait to offer real value, crafting opinionated link bait to spark debates, ensuring your link bait triggers strong emotions, designing visually appealing link bait to attract attention, developing newsworthy link bait to stay relevant, turning your link bait into a compelling story, and incorporating popular content that others are already linking to.

The real examples of link baiting are 13 Reasons Your Brain Craves Infographics, Inception Explained, How a Car Engine Works, Investment Calculator, The 35 Best Countries to Raise a Family in 2020, IDRlabs’ Food Disgust Test, The Points Guy’s Monthly Valuations, JustPark’s Emergency Stop Game, 99designs’ Fundamentals of Color Theory, etc.

This ultimate guide on link baiting for SaaS websites provides an in-depth look at the best ideas of link baiting, effective strategies for link baiting, real world examples, and everything in between.

Table of Contents

What is Link Baiting?

Link baiting is a link building strategy that involves creating high-quality, compelling, and shareable content designed to attract backlinks from other websites. The primary goal of link baiting is to generate organic links by producing content that is so valuable, interesting, or entertaining that other site owners and bloggers naturally want to link to your content. The common types of link bait content are in-depth articles, how-to guides, infographics, videos, controversial opinions, and interactive on-site tools. 

Link baiting is an effective link building technique that attracts high-quality backlinks from reputable sites, thereby improving domain authority and enhancing search engine rankings. The organic influx of quality backlinks boosts the website’s visibility in PageRank, SERPs, and drives organic traffic as the content gets shared and linked by other sites.

Additionally, link baiting helps establish the site as a trusted authority in the relevant niche, enhancing credibility and trust among users. Link baiting method also keeps users engaged with valuable and interesting content, increasing the time they spend on the site. Creating link bait content is cost-effective for SaaS SEO, reducing the need for extensive manual outreach and saving time and resources in link-building efforts. Moreover, well-crafted link bait content has viral potential that exponentially increases the reach and impact of your website. 

What are the Benefits of Link Bait?

The benefits of link bait are website authority, online reputation, and exposure to new audiences.

Let’s discuss the benefits of link bait in detail:

Website Authority

Website authority refers to the strength and credibility of a website, which is enhanced by high-quality backlinks from reputable sources. Link bait boosts website authority by attracting the natural, authoritative backlinks, leading to improved search engine rankings and greater trust among users.

Online Reputation

Online reputation refers to the perception of a website’s credibility and reliability in the digital space. Link bait improves the online reputation of your website by consistently delivering valuable, shareable content that attracts positive attention and backlinks from other reputable websites, enhancing trust and authority.

Exposure to New Audiences

Exposure to new audiences refers to the increased visibility and reach of a website beyond the existing user base. Link bait increases your website’s exposure by creating highly shareable content that gets linked and shared across various platforms, attracting visitors from diverse and previously untapped demographics.

What Makes a Great Link Bait?

A great link bait is created with wide appeal, visual appeal, credibility, emotional engagement, uniqueness, and timeliness.

The details of all the elements of a great link bait is given below:

  • Wide Appeal: Wide appeal means creating content that is relevant and interesting to a wide range of people, not just a niche group. Topics that are universally engaging, such as life hacks, industry trends, and how-to guides, tend to attract more attention. To ensure wide appeal, consider current events, popular culture, and common problems that your audience faces.
  • Visual Appeal: Visual appeal refers to the attractiveness of content as perceived through the design elements, such as images, graphics, layout, color scheme, typography, and overall aesthetic. High-quality images, infographics, videos, and interactive elements make your content more engaging and shareable. Visual content not only grabs attention but also helps in conveying complex information quickly and effectively.
  • Credibility: Credibility refers to the trustworthiness and authority of your content, which encourages your audience to believe, share, and link to your content. Provide accurate, well-researched information and cite reputable sources. Including quotes from industry experts, data from trusted research, and case studies enhance your content’s credibility. 
  • Emotional Engagement: Emotional engagement refers to the ability of your content to evoke emotions in your audience, making the content more memorable, shareable, and impactful. Whether through humor, inspiration, surprise, or even anger, emotional engagement drives more interaction with your link bait. Stories, anecdotes, and personal experiences help create an emotional connection with your audience. 
  • Uniqueness: To stand out in a crowded online space, your link bait must offer something unique. The uniqueness is developed in content through a new perspective on a popular topic, exclusive data, or innovative solutions to common problems. Unique content is more likely to be noticed and shared, as the content provides value that is found elsewhere.
  • Timeliness: Timeliness is about creating content that is relevant to current events, trends, or seasons. Content that ties into what is happening right now is more likely to be shared and linked to. Additionally, being one of the first to cover a breaking news story or emerging trend gives your content a significant advantage in terms of visibility and link potential.

Why Does Link Bait Work?

Link bait works because of social currency, triggers, emotion, public, practical value, and stories.

Here is an explanation of each:

  • Social Currency: People like to share content that makes them look good or knowledgeable. Link bait that provides valuable information, interesting insights, or entertainment boosts their social status, making them more likely to share the content with their network.
  • Triggers: Triggers are cues that remind people to talk about or share your content. Effective link bait often ties into common, everyday experiences or current events, ensuring that the content stays top-of-mind and is easily recalled and shared.
  • Emotion: Content that evokes strong emotions, whether the emotion is joy, surprise, sadness, or anger, tends to be more shareable. Emotional engagement makes the content memorable and compelling, driving people to share the link bait to evoke similar reactions in others.
  • Public: When content is highly visible, link bait content encourages others to mimic the behavior. Link bait designed to be seen and shared in public forums or social media platforms gains more traction as people naturally follow what others are doing.
  • Practical Value: Link bait content that provides practical value, such as tips, how-tos, or useful information, is highly shareable because people want to pass on valuable insights to help others. When people find your link bait helpful, they are more likely to link to your content.
  • Stories: Stories are a powerful way to convey information in a memorable and engaging manner. Link bait that incorporates storytelling can captivate the audience, making the content more relatable and shareable. Stories help in inserting the message deeply, increasing the likelihood of the content being linked and shared.

What is the Difference Between Link Building and Link Baiting?

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own, aimed at enhancing your site’s authority and improving the visibility of the site in search engine results. The link building strategy involves reaching out to other website owners, creating guest posts, collaborating on content, or using various methods like directory submissions and influencer partnerships to secure links. The goal of link building is to strategically place links on high-quality, relevant sites to drive traffic and enhance the site’s credibility in search engines.

On the other hand, link baiting is a link building strategy that involves creating highly valuable, engaging, or unique content that naturally attracts backlinks without direct outreach. The idea is to produce content so compelling that other websites want to link to your content on their own. Link baiting relies on the natural quality of the content to generate organic backlinks, often through viral sharing, social media, or word of mouth.

What is Meant By Link Farm and Link Baiting?

A link farm is a network of websites created solely for the purpose of artificially increasing the number of backlinks to a target site. The link farm websites typically contain low-quality, irrelevant content and exist only to manipulate search engine rankings by passing “link juice” to other sites. Link farms are considered a black-hat SEO technique, as they violate search engine guidelines and lead to penalties, including decreased rankings.

Link baiting involves creating content that is so valuable, interesting, or unique that the content naturally attracts backlinks from other websites. The link baiting strategy is about creating content that people want to link to, whether it’s a compelling article, an in-depth guide, or a viral video. Unlike link farms, link baiting is a legitimate and effective SEO technique, particularly in SaaS SEO, where high-quality content potentially boosts a site’s authority and search rankings.

What are the 8 Best Ideas of Link Baiting?

The best ideas of link baiting are creating statistics pages, using surveys to tell engaging stories, using publicly available data and rankings, creating tools and calculators, creating in-depth mega-guides, creating awesome graphics or infographics, offering ebooks, and creating very evergreen content.

The details of best ideas of link baiting is given:

Creating Statistics Pages

Statistics pages are web pages or sections on a website that present a collection of data, statistics, and analytical information on a specific topic. Statistics pages are a strategic form of content used in link baiting by compiling and presenting data, facts, and figures related to a specific industry, topic, or trend in a concise and accessible format. 

By crafting up-to-date and reliable statistics, statistics pages become valuable resources for others in the industry, particularly bloggers, journalists, and researchers who often seek credible data to support their content. The high utility of these pages naturally encourages other websites to link to them, thereby boosting the hosting site’s authority and search engine ranking. Additionally, statistics pages are often updated regularly to reflect the most current data, which helps maintain their relevance and attractiveness as link-worthy content over time.

Using Surveys to Tell Engaging Stories

Using surveys to tell engaging stories is an effective link baiting strategy that combines data-driven insights with the emotional appeal of storytelling. Surveys gather opinions, experiences, and trends from a specific audience, providing a rich source of original data that is transformed into compelling narratives. 

When the results of a survey are presented in a story format, they highlight real-world issues, uncover surprising trends, or illustrate broader societal changes, making the content more relatable and impactful. The approach of telling stories not only adds credibility by grounding the story in actual data but also makes the content more engaging and newsworthy. As a result, the content attracts more attention from other websites, journalists, and influencers who may link to the survey results in their own content, driving backlinks and boosting the website’s authority. 

Using Publicly Available Data and Rankings

Using publicly available data and rankings for link baiting involves creating and presenting existing information in a way that is both accessible and engaging. Publicly available data, such as government statistics, industry reports, or academic studies, offers a wealth of information that is repurposed into valuable content. By compiling publicly available data into rankings, lists, or comparative analyses, businesses create content that is highly shareable and likely to attract backlinks. 

Publicly available content appeals to a broad audience, including industry professionals, media outlets, and bloggers, who may find the rankings useful for their own content and thus link back to it. Incorporating such data into a visually appealing format enhances the content’s shareability and authority, making the data an effective tool for SaaS SEO. By utilizing publicly available data and rankings, businesses create compelling link bait that not only draws in traffic but also strengthens their SEO efforts through increased backlinks and credibility.

Creating Tools and Calculators

Tools and calculators are highly effective in link baiting, serving as interactive content that provides practical value to users. The tools and calculators are designed to solve specific problems, perform calculations, or assist with tasks relevant to a particular audience or industry. For instance, a SaaS website might offer a “ROI Calculator” that helps potential customers estimate the return on investment they could achieve by using the software. 

The tools and calculators offer practical utility, enhancing the user experience on a website and making the site a go-to resource within a particular industry or niche. By creating something that solves a problem or answers a specific need, tools naturally attract backlinks from other websites. The usefulness and functionality of tools attract backlinks and drive repeated traffic to the site, enhancing the authority and visibility of the site in search engines. Furthermore, well-designed tools and calculators are shared across social media platforms, amplifying their reach and increasing the likelihood of gaining more inbound links.

Creating In-Depth Mega-Guides

In-depth mega-guides offer extensive insights, step-by-step instructions, expert advice, and relevant data, often spanning thousands of words. By covering a topic thoroughly, mega-guides become authoritative resources that readers and other websites frequently reference and link to. The depth and quality of mega guides make them particularly appealing to bloggers, industry professionals, and content creators who seek reliable sources to cite in their own work. 

Additionally, mega-guides often include various forms of media, such as images, infographics, and videos, to enhance the user experience and make the content more engaging. Their comprehensive nature ensures that they remain valuable over time, attracting backlinks long after publication. In the context of SEO, these links boost the site’s authority and visibility, making in-depth mega-guides a key component of an effective link baiting strategy.

Creating Awesome Graphics or Infographics

Graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present complex information quickly and clearly. Graphics include illustrations, diagrams, and charts while infographics specifically combine text, data, and visual elements to tell a story or convey a message . The visual appeal of graphics or infographics makes complex information easy to understand, and their eye-catching designs attract more views and shares compared to plain text content. 

Because they are visually appealing and simplify information, infographics are frequently shared on social media, blogs, and other websites. The sharing of graphics increases the chances of getting backlinks, as other sites link to the original source of the infographic. Additionally, infographics are reused in different contexts, such as in articles or presentations, further extending their reach. By creating high-quality graphics or infographics, a website attracts more visitors and gains valuable links, helping to improve your site’s search engine ranking and overall visibility online.

Offering Ebooks

Ebooks are digital books that typically cover subjects in great detail, providing insights, tips, and expert knowledge. Ebooks are an effective link baiting tool because they offer in-depth information on a particular topic that readers find valuable. Since ebooks are more extensive than regular articles or blog posts, they are often seen as authoritative content. When bloggers, influencers, or other websites find an ebook useful, they are more likely to link to your website in their own content, driving backlinks to the site offering the ebook.

Moreover, ebooks are easily promoted across various platforms, including social media, newsletters, and online communities, increasing their visibility and the likelihood of being shared. Offering a free ebook in exchange for an email address or as part of a content upgrade also encourages users to engage with the website, leading to more traffic and potential backlinks. 

Creating Very Evergreen Content

Evergreen content covers topics that are not tied to specific events or trends, meaning the information provided stays useful and accurate for years. Examples include how-to guides, foundational industry knowledge, and comprehensive resources that people link back to whenever they need help or information.

Because evergreen content doesn’t lose relevance, the content continues to be shared, linked to, and discovered by new audiences long after the publication. The consistent value of evergreen content is a reliable source for other websites, bloggers, and content creators to reference in their own work, leading to a steady stream of backlinks. Additionally, evergreen content often ranks well in search engines over the long term, further increasing the visibility and potential to attract links. By focusing on creating high-quality, timeless content, a website builds a strong foundation for ongoing link building and sustained SaaS SEO success.

How to Find Good Link Bait Ideas?

To find good link bait ideas for SaaS SEO, understand your audience, research popular content, use industry trends, create high-value content, focus on evergreen topics, engage with your community, and experiment with different formats.

Let’s discuss the steps of finding the good link bait ideas in detail: 

  • Understand Your Audience: Identify what topics, problems, or interests match most with your target audience. Analyze their pain points, frequently asked questions, and the type of content they engage with the most. The understanding of users’ interest guides you in creating content that they find valuable and are likely to link to.
  • Research Popular Content: Look at what types of content are already performing well in your niche. SEO tools like BuzzSumo or Ahrefs helps in identifying top-performing content based on shares and backlinks. Analyzing competitors’ successful content inspires ideas and shows you what your audience is already interested in.
  • Use Industry Trends: Stay updated with the latest trends and news in your industry. Creating content that taps into current events or emerging trends quickly gains attention and becomes highly shareable.
  • Create High-Value Content: Think about what unique insights, data, or expertise your content offers that others don’t. Original research, case studies, and expert opinions are valuable because they provide new information that other website owners link to.
  • Focus on Evergreen Topics: Consider creating evergreen content that remains relevant over time. Evergreen content continues to attract backlinks for years, by consistently providing value to readers.
  • Engage with Your Community: Participate in forums, social media groups, and industry discussions to see what questions or topics are frequently brought up. The engagement in the community gives ideas for content that directly addresses common concerns and attracts links.
  • Experiment with Different Formats: Different types of content, like infographics, videos, quizzes, or interactive tools, are very effective in attracting links. Experiment with various formats to see what your audience likes the most.

Which are Some Effective Link Baiting Strategies?

Some effective link baiting strategies include creating practical link bait to offer real value, crafting opinionated link bait to spark debates, ensuring your link bait triggers strong emotions, designing visually appealing link bait to attract attention, developing newsworthy link bait to stay relevant, turning your link bait into a compelling story, and incorporating popular content that others are already linking to.

The details of effective link baiting strategies is given below:

Create Practical Link Bait to Offer Real Value

Creating practical link bait to offer real value means developing content that directly helps your audience solve problems, learn something new, or accomplish specific tasks. Practical link bait content is highly actionable, providing clear, useful information that readers immediately like. Examples include how-to guides, tutorials, templates, and checklists. 

By offering practical solutions and valuable resources, your content becomes highly useful to your audience, making the content more likely to be shared and linked to by others. For example, a SaaS company creates a detailed guide on improving productivity using their software, which other websites find valuable enough to link to. Practical link bait only drives traffic to your site but also enhances your website’s authority and credibility within your industry.

Craft Opinionated Link Bait to Spark Debates

Crafting opinionated link bait to spark debates means creating content that presents a strong, often provocative viewpoint on a topic. Opinionated link baits are designed to challenge conventional wisdom, question popular beliefs, or present a strong stance on a controversial issue. By expressing a clear and bold opinion, you engage your audience emotionally, encouraging them to share their own thoughts, either in agreement or disagreement. 

Opinionated link baits lead to discussions, debates, and increased social sharing, which often results in more backlinks. For example, an article arguing for or against a popular industry trend sparks conversation and leads others to link to your content in their responses or discussions. Opinionated content attracts attention by provoking thought and conversation, making debates a powerful tool for driving engagement and increasing visibility online.

Ensure Your Link Bait Triggers Strong Emotions

Ensuring your link bait triggers strong emotions means creating content that evokes a powerful emotional response from your audience, such as joy, surprise, anger, or inspiration. Emotional content is more likely to be shared because people naturally want to spread content that connects with them on a deeper level. 

Whether it’s a heartwarming story, a shocking revelation, or a piece that stirs up controversy, tapping into your audience’s emotions makes your content more memorable and impactful. When people feel strongly about something, they are more likely to engage, share with others, and link back to the content in their own content, making emotional triggers an effective strategy for link baiting.

Design Visually Appealing Link Bait to Attract Attention

Designing visually appealing link bait to attract attention involves creating content that is not only informative but also aesthetically pleasing. Visual elements like high-quality images, infographics, videos, and well-organized layouts make your content stand out and capture the audience’s interest quickly. 

People are naturally drawn to content that looks good and is easy to consume. When content is visually engaging, it’s more likely to be shared on social media, featured in blog posts, and linked to by other websites. The combination of valuable information with eye-catching design makes your link bait more effective in attracting attention and generating backlinks, as the content appeals to both the visual and informational needs of your audience.

Develop Newsworthy Link Bait to Stay Relevant like Newsjacking

Developing newsworthy link bait to stay relevant means creating content that ties into current events, trends, or hot topics within your industry or broader society. Newsworthy link bait content works as newsjacking link building technique because it is timely and of immediate interest, often addressing breaking news, emerging trends, or important updates. By aligning your link bait with what’s currently happening, you make your content more likely to be picked up by journalists, bloggers, and other content creators looking for fresh and relevant material to share. 

Newsworthy content helps you stay relevant in the fast-moving digital landscape and increases the chances of gaining backlinks from authoritative sources that cover the same topics. Developing newsworthy link baits keeps your content at the forefront of discussions, driving more traffic and engagement while reinforcing your site’s position as a go-to resource for up-to-date information.

Turn Your Link Bait into a Compelling Story

Turning your link bait into a compelling story involves crafting content that goes beyond just presenting facts or information by turning them into a narrative that captures the audience’s interest. A good story has a beginning, middle, and end, with elements like conflict, resolution, and relatable characters or situations. By framing your content as a story, you make the link bait more engaging and memorable, encouraging readers to stay invested from start to finish. 

Storytelling taps into the human affection for narratives, making your link bait more relatable and easier to share. When people connect with a story, they are more likely to share and link back to the content, increasing the reach and impact. Compelling stories turn your content into an experience that people find emotional, making the stories a powerful tool for attracting attention and generating backlinks.

Incorporate Popular Content That Others are Already Linking to

Incorporating popular content that others are already linking to means linking content that has already gained attention and attracted backlinks. Linking the popular content strategy uses the existing popularity of certain topics, trends, or sources to create content that is more likely to attract attention. By analyzing what content is currently performing well in your industry, such as articles, studies, or infographics, create your own version, update the content with new information, or provide a fresh perspective.

When you include or reference these well-linked pieces in your own content, you add credibility to your work that increases the chances that those who have already linked to similar content link to yours as well. Incorporating the popular taps into established interests, making the process of gaining backlinks easier and boosting your content’s visibility. Recognize what attracts the audiences and build on that momentum to create link-worthy content of your own.

How to Create a Link Baiting Strategy for SaaS Link Building?

To create a link baiting strategy for SaaS link building, understand the needs & pain points of your SaaS customers and users, identify what attracts customers/users about your SaaS product, brainstorm link baiting content ideas according to above 2 points, collect data to create link baiting web page on your SaaS website, create internal links for link baiting web page from relevant web pages, promote your link baiting web page on SaaS social media pages, share link baiting webpage with SaaS email subscribers, and update your link baiting webpages at least after every six months.

Let’s discuss the process of creating a link baiting strategy for SaaS link building:

Understand the Needs & Pain Points of Your SaaS Customers and Users

Before creating link bait content, you deeply understand your SaaS customers’ and users’ needs and pain points. Understanding users involves researching the challenges your target audience faces and how your SaaS product solves these problems. Use customer feedback, surveys, user forums, study user behavior and social listening tools to gather insights. The better you understand your audience’s struggles, the more effective your link bait content addresses your customers’ issues and attracts attention.

Identify What Attracts Customers/Users about Your SaaS Product

Once you have a clear understanding of your customers’ pain points, identify the unique features and benefits of your SaaS product that appeal to your target audience. SaaS customers are usually attracted by features that save time, improve efficiency, or solve a particular problem better than other solutions. 

Have a look at the unique functionality, ease of use, or the efficiency of your SaaS product. Consider what makes your product stand out from competitors and what aspects are most appreciated by your users. The better identification of features that appeal to users guide the creation of content that highlights your product’s strengths, making the content more likely to attract links.

Brainstorm Link Baiting Content Ideas According to Above 2 Points

With a solid understanding of your customers’ needs and what attracts them to your product, brainstorm link bait content ideas that are both informative and engaging. Consider creating comprehensive guides, industry reports, case studies, infographics, or even interactive tools that address your SaaS customers’ needs or highlight your product’s benefits. 

The goal of brainstorming is to create content that is so valuable, informative, or entertaining that other websites want to link to your site. The content includes in-depth guides, data-driven insights, or interactive tools that address your audience’s challenges while showcasing the benefits of your product. Focus on creating content that is unique, offers new insights, or solves a problem in a way that hasn’t been done before.

Collect Data to Create Link Baiting Web Page on Your SaaS Website

Collecting data to create a link baiting web page on your SaaS website involves gathering valuable and relevant information that is transformed into compelling content. Find data that supports your content ideas such as original research, industry trends, customer success stories, usage statistics, industry statistics, or user-generated data from your SaaS platform. 

Collect the data through customer surveys, product analytics, industry research, or third-party studies. Once you have the data, create a dedicated webpage on your SaaS website where your content is hosted. Ensure that the page is well-designed, easy to navigate, and optimized for search engines.

Create Internal Links for Link Baiting Web Page from Relevant Web Pages

Creating internal links from relevant pages means strategically connecting your high-value content with other related content on your site. To create logical and relevant Internal Linking for your link bait content, start by identifying existing web pages that are closely related to the topic of your link baiting page, such as blog posts, product feature pages, case studies, or resource guides. Next, within these relevant pages, look for natural keywords to insert internal links.

Internal linking may be done in the form of anchor text that relates directly to the content on your link baiting page, such as specific keywords, phrases, or calls to action. Internal linking helps guide visitors through your site, encouraging them to explore more content and stay engaged. Additionally, internal linking distributes link equity across your site, boosting the SaaS SEO of your link baiting page. Carefully crafted internal links from relevant pages, drive more traffic and improve overall site performance.

Promote Your Link Baiting Web Page on SaaS Social Media Pages

Once your link bait content is live, promote the content through your SaaS social media channels. Create engaging posts concise social media posts that highlight the key value propositions of your link baiting content. Use compelling visuals, headlines, quotes, or snippets, and clear calls to action to encourage your users to visit the page. 

Share these posts across all your SaaS social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and any niche-specific communities where your target audience is active. Additionally, take advantage of features like hashtags, tagging relevant industry influencers, or utilizing sponsored posts to increase visibility. Engage with your audience by responding to comments, asking questions, or running polls related to your link baiting content.

Share Link Baiting Webpage with SaaS Email Subscribers

Your email subscribers are already interested in your product, making them an ideal audience for your link baiting content. Send out a dedicated email highlighting the new resource, explaining the value, and encouraging subscribers to share your content with their networks.  Use an attention-grabbing subject line to attract recipients to open the email, and ensure that the body of the email is concise, focused, and engaging.

In the email, briefly describe the key insights or resources available on the link baiting webpage, such as industry reports, detailed guides, or exclusive data. Include a strong call to action that encourages subscribers to visit the page. Additionally, consider segmenting your email list to customize the message to different subscriber groups based on their interests or behavior. Also, use clear and visually appealing links or buttons to guide subscribers directly to the link baiting page. Email subscribers who find the content valuable are more likely to share or link to the content from their own websites or blogs.

Update Your Link Baiting Webpages at least after Every Six Months

To maintain the relevance and value of your link bait content, update your link bait regularly. Set a schedule to review and refresh the content at least every six months to ensure that the information is current, accurate, and aligned with any changes in your SaaS product or industry. Updating link bait content involves adding new data, refining existing insights, or updating information to reflect industry changes. Regular updates also provide opportunities to re-promote the content and attract additional backlinks over time. Additionally, search engines favor regularly updated content, which helps improve your websites rankings and visibility.

What are the Examples of Link Baiting?

Following are the examples of link baiting content:

  1. 13 Reasons Your Brain Craves Infographics
  2. Inception Explained
  3. How a Car Engine Works
  4. 90.63% of Content Gets No Traffic From Google. And How to Be in the Other 9.37%
  5. Why Do I Procrastinate?
  6. Investment Calculator
  7. The 35 Best Countries to Raise a Family in 2020
  8. IDRlabs’ Food Disgust Test
  9. The Points Guy’s Monthly Valuations
  10. JustPark’s Emergency Stop Game
  11. 99designs’ Fundamentals of Color Theory
  12. The Beginner’s Guide to SEO
  13. The Noob Guide to Online Marketing
  14. The Psychology of Color
  15. Copyblogger’s Codex of Online Marketing
  16. Link Building Strategies: the Complete List
  17. This Amazing Kid Died. What He Left Behind is Wondtacular.
  18. SEO Guide to Creating Viral Linkbait and Infographics
  19. Is Nate Silver a Witch?
  20. 100 Ways to Conserve Water
  21. War Casualties
  22. “1945–1998” by Isao Hashimoto
  23. National Public Toilet Map
  24. How Americans Die
  25. The Evolution of Western Music
  26. 10 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier, Backed by Science

Details of the link bait examples.

13 Reasons Your Brain Craves Infographics

“13 Reasons Your Brain Craves Infographics” is a great example of link baiting because the article uses interesting and engaging infographics to attract attention and encourage people to share it. Infographics are visually appealing and easy to understand, making complex information more clear. The article lists 13 reasons why our brains are drawn to infographics, using facts and statistics to support the claims. The article’s clever use of infographics illustrated the points clearly and made the content highly shareable on social media and other platforms, leading to increased reach and backlinks from other websites.

Inception Explained

The “Inception Explained” article has become a perfect example of link baiting by explaining the complex plot of the movie “Inception,” which is famous for the confusing and mind-bending storyline. By offering a clear and detailed explanation, the article becomes highly valuable to readers who are struggling to understand the movie. Because the content of the article is so helpful, other websites and blogs are likely to link to. The backlinks from other blogs have increased the article’s visibility and driven more traffic to the website hosting the “Inception Explained” article. 

How a Car Engine Works

The “How a Car Engine Works” article is a great example of link baiting because it provides clear and easy-to-understand information about a topic that many people find confusing. Car engines are complex, and not everyone knows how they function. By breaking down the mechanics into simple terms with helpful illustrations or diagrams, the article becomes a valuable resource for readers who want to learn more about their vehicles. Because the article is so informative and easy to follow, other websites, forums, or blogs that discuss cars or automotive maintenance have linked to the article.

90.63% of Content Gets No Traffic From Google and How to be in the Other 9.37%

The article “90.63% of Content Gets No Traffic From Google. And How to Be in the Other 9.37%” is an excellent example of link baiting because the topic tackles a problem that many website owners and content creators worry about. The headline alone is attention-grabbing, as the title highlights a shocking statistic that most content fails to attract any visitors from Google. Because the article offers valuable insights and practical tips, other websites, especially those focused on SEO and digital marketing, are likely to link to the material. By offering unique and useful content, the article becomes a powerful tool for link baiting, encouraging others to link back to the resource.

Why Do I Procrastinate?

The article “Why Do I Procrastinate?” is a clever example of link baiting because the article engages readers by first offering a quiz. People are often curious about their own behaviors, so the quiz invites readers to find out why they procrastinate. After taking the quiz, the article provides personalized answers and insights based on the reader’s responses. Other websites and blogs that focus on self-improvement or psychology are linking to the article because the content of the article offers both an interactive experience and valuable information. The combination of a quiz and detailed explanations makes the article highly shareable, which is the key to successful link baiting.

Investment Calculator

The “Investment Calculator” is a strong example of link baiting because the webpage provides a useful tool that helps people make informed financial decisions. By offering an interactive calculator, the article or webpage allows users to input their own financial details, such as initial investment, interest rate, and time period, to see how their money could grow over time. The personalized and practical tool is highly valuable to anyone interested in investing or planning for the future. Financial blogs, investment websites, and personal finance forums are likely to link to the investment calculator, as the tool adds real value to their readers. 

The 35 Best Countries to Raise a Family in 2020

“The 35 Best Countries to Raise a Family in 2020” article likely ranked and evaluated countries based on factors like education, healthcare, safety, and quality of life, which are highly relevant to a broad audience, particularly parents and families. By offering detailed, data-driven insights that spark debate and interest, the article naturally encourages readers to share and the article becomes a valuable resource for other websites to reference. The global appeal of the topic, combined with the credibility of the data presented, makes the article an effective link bait that drives  traffic and gets backlinks from various sources, including news outlets, blogs, and social media.

IDRlabs’ Food Disgust Test

The “IDRlabs’ Food Disgust Test” is an example of link baiting that capitalizes on interactive content to attract users and generate backlinks. The test invites people to answer a series of questions to determine how easily they are disgusted by different types of food. The interactive quiz is engaging and fun, encouraging users to share their results on social media or with friends, which naturally drives traffic back to the original site. The personalized nature of the test makes the content more likely to be shared, as users enjoy comparing their results with others. The strategy of using personalized quizzes is effective in creating viral content that receives widespread attention and valuable links from various sources, enhancing the website’s visibility and authority online.

The Points Guy’s Monthly Valuations

“The Points Guy’s Monthly Valuation” is a prime example of link baiting in the travel and credit card industry. The type of content focuses on providing regular updates about the value of various credit card points and travel rewards. The term “Monthly Valuations” signals that the information is current and regularly refreshed, which is valuable to readers who are keen on maximizing their rewards.

Each month, The Points Guy publishes detailed analyses that show how the value of points and rewards changes. The regular updates make the content particularly attractive because readers know they rely on the publication for the most recent and relevant information. Readers who find the valuations useful are sharing the link with friends or on social media, where the content  attracts even more clicks. By providing practical, valuable information and encouraging ongoing engagement, the link baiting strategy here effectively drives traffic and keeps readers coming back for more.

JustPark’s Emergency Stop Game

“JustPark’s Emergency Stop Game” is an example of link baiting in a game that effectively combines entertainment and education to attract clicks and shares. The game is designed to engage users with a fun and interactive experience that simulates an emergency stop situation. By creating a game around a driving safety scenario, JustPark not only entertains but also subtly promotes awareness about safe driving practices.

The game features engaging graphics and challenges that encourage users to test their reflexes and see how quickly they perform an emergency stop. Additionally, the game serves as a creative way to draw attention to JustPark’s core services, such as parking solutions, by associating the brand with an enjoyable and memorable experience. The blend of entertainment with a practical message makes the link baiting strategy effective here by attracting a wide audience and engaging them with the brand in a positive and memorable way.

99designs’ Fundamentals of Color Theory

“99designs’ Fundamentals of Color Theory” is a real-world example of link baiting that effectively uses visually appealing and educational content to attract links. The article explains the basics of color theory, explaining how different colors influence design choices and emotions. By presenting complex information in an easy-to-understand and visually engaging way, they create a resource that is informative and highly shareable. The use of visuals appeals to designers, marketers, and anyone interested in color theory, encouraging them to link back to the article as a trusted source. 

The Beginner’s Guide to SEO

“The Beginner’s Guide to SEO” by Moz is an example of link baiting that uses comprehensive, high-quality educational content to attract backlinks. The SEO guide by Moz is designed to teach newcomers the fundamentals of search engine optimization (SEO) in a clear, organized manner. What makes the SEO guide example particularly effective is the depth and accessibility, covering everything from keyword research to on-page optimization, all in an easy-to-understand format. The guide’s reputation as a trusted resource encourages other websites, blogs, and even educational institutions to link to the guide as a credible source.

The Noob Guide to Online Marketing

“The Noob Guide to Online Marketing (With Giant INFOGRAPHIC)” is an example of link baiting that uses an engaging and visually striking infographic to attract links. The guide offers a comprehensive overview of online marketing basics, accompanied by a large, eye-catching infographic that summarizes key points in a visually appealing way. The special aspect of link baiting strategy used in the guide is the combination of detailed, valuable content with a highly shareable infographic. The infographic serves as a quick reference and makes the information more clear, increasing the likelihood that users share the article on social media or link to the content from their own sites. 

The Psychology of Color

“The Psychology of Color” is a link baiting example that effectively uses the interesting topic of how colors affect emotions and behavior to attract attention and backlinks. The content of the article explores how different colors influence emotions, behaviors, and decision-making, making the article particularly relevant for designers, marketers, and anyone interested in the impact of color. The key element in link baiting strategy is the combination of scientific insights with practical applications, presented with visually appealing charts, images, and infographics. By providing both informative and aesthetically pleasing content, encouraging readers to share the article and link to the content as a valuable resource.

Copyblogger’s Codex of Online Marketing

Copyblogger’s Codex of Online Marketing article is an example of link baiting technique that attracts attention by offering a detailed guide on online marketing strategies. The Codex covers a wide range of topics, from content creation to social media marketing, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in improving their online presence.

What makes link baiting strategy effective in the guide is how the content is organized and presented. The guide is easy to follow and breaks down complex ideas into simple, understandable parts. By providing high-quality, useful information in a clear format, the Codex encourages readers to share the content with others. The sharing leads to more links back to Copyblogger’s site, boosting the visibility and authority in the online marketing space.

Link Building Strategies: the Complete List

Link Building Strategies: the Complete List guide is an example of link baiting that attracts attention by providing a comprehensive list of techniques for building links. The article covers many different strategies, from simple ones like guest blogging to more advanced tactics, making the content a go-to resource for anyone looking to improve their website’s SEO.

What makes link baiting strategy effective here, is the way the content is organized into a complete, easy-to-read list. By offering so much valuable information in one place, the article becomes a must-read for anyone interested in link building. The thoroughness of the list makes people want to bookmark the website, share the content with others, and link to the article from their own websites.

This Amazing Kid Died. What He Left Behind is Wondtacular

“This Amazing Kid Died. What He Left Behind is Wondtacular.” article is an example of link baiting that uses an emotional story to grab attention and encourage sharing. The article tells the moving story of a young boy who passed away, but left behind something incredible, usually a heartfelt message, creative work, or a powerful legacy.

What makes link baiting effective here, is the content’s emotional appeal. The story is crafted to tug at readers’ heartstrings, making them more likely to share content with others. The title is designed to spark curiosity and evoke strong emotions, which drives people to click on the link and read the full story. Because the content is so touching, readers are more inclined to share the story on social media or link the content from their blogs or websites, helping the article gain more visibility and backlinks.

SEO Guide to Creating Viral Link bait and Infographics

“SEO Guide to Creating Viral Link bait and Infographics” is an example of link baiting that attracts readers by teaching them how to create content that goes viral. The article explains how to make link bait and infographics that are so interesting and shareable that they attract lots of attention and links from other websites.

The guide is effective because the content provides clear, step-by-step instructions on how to create content that people want to share, covering everything from choosing the right topic to designing eye-catching infographics. By offering practical tips and valuable advice, the article becomes a useful resource that readers are likely to bookmark, share, and link to from their own sites.

Is Nate Silver a Witch?

“Is Nate Silver a Witch?” is an example of link baiting that grabs attention with a catchy and unusual title. The article explores the idea that Nate Silver, a well-known statistician famous for accurately predicting election outcomes, might have an almost magical ability to foresee the future. Of course, the title is meant to be humorous and intriguing rather than taken literally.

What makes link baiting effective here is the curiosity the title sparks. The odd and funny question draws readers in because they want to know what the article is really about. Once they start reading, they find an interesting discussion about data analysis and predictions. The quirky title, combined with the relevant content, makes the article highly shareable. People are likely to link to or share the content on social media because the article stands out and offers both entertainment and information. 

100 Ways to Conserve Water

“100 Ways to Conserve Water” article attracts readers by offering a large, useful list of tips for saving water. The article provides 100 practical ways that people reduce their water usage, making the article a valuable resource for anyone interested in environmental conservation. Link baiting strategy works well here because the content is both comprehensive and easy to understand. By offering so many tips in one place, the article becomes a go-to guide for water conservation. Readers are likely to link to the content from their own websites because the article provides helpful, actionable advice.

War Casualties

The “War Casualties” article uses powerful statistics and stories about the human cost of war to attract readers and encourage sharing. The article presents data on the number of lives lost, the impact on families, or the long-term effects of war on communities.

Link baiting strategy is effective here because the article combines emotional appeal with important information. The serious topic draws in readers who care about global issues, and the use of real numbers and stories makes the content impactful. People are likely to share or link to the article  from their own websites because the content highlights an important issue in a way that is both informative and moving. By addressing a topic that connects deeply with many people, the article gains more visibility and attracts more backlinks.

“1945–1998” by Isao Hashimoto

The video about “1945–1998” by Isao Hashimoto is an example of link baiting that draws attention by showcasing a powerful visual piece. Hashimoto’s work is a time-lapse video that shows every nuclear explosion that occurred between 1945 and 1998, making the article a striking visual representation of the history of nuclear testing.

Link baiting works well because the content is both unique and impactful. The video captures the viewer’s attention with powerful imagery and the sobering reality presented by the video. People are likely to link or share the video on social media because the video has  a fascinating and important piece of history that’s easy to understand. The combination of a unique visual and an important message makes the article highly shareable, increasing the visibility and generating more backlinks.

National Public Toilet Map

The “National Public Toilet Map”  uses a unique and practical tool to attract attention. The webpage features a map that shows the locations of public toilets across Australia, helping people find nearby restrooms when they need them. Link baiting is effective here because the strategy provides a useful and often needed resource in an easy-to-use format. The map is valuable for travelers, families, and anyone on the go, making the content interesting and shareable.By addressing a real need with a simple tool, the article gains more visibility and attracts backlinks from websites and blogs looking to share useful resources with their audience.

How Americans Die

The “How Americans Die” article is an example of link baiting technique. The article uses compelling statistics and visuals to attract readers. The content of the article provides information about the leading causes of death in the U.S., presented with charts and infographics that make the data easy to understand. Link baiting works well because here the strategy combines important, eye-catching information with clear visuals. The topic is both interesting and relevant, as the content of the article touches on health and safety concerns that affect many people. By making complex data accessible and engaging, the article gets more attention and generates more backlinks.

The Evolution of Western Music

“The Evolution of Western Music” serves as an effective example of link baiting by tapping into a fascinating and broad topic that appeals to a wide audience. The content covers various musical periods, styles, and key changes from classical to modern times, including historical context, influential composers, and the impact of different musical movements. By offering a comprehensive and engaging overview, the article provides valuable insights that are both educational and interesting. People who are passionate about music or studying the music share the article with others who have similar interests. The detailed and informative nature of the piece also means the content is likely to attract readers who are searching for reliable and in-depth information on the subject.

11 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier, Backed by Science

“11 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier, Backed by Science” is an excellent example of link baiting content, using several strategies to attract clicks and shares. 

The phrase “11 Simple Things” suggests the tips are straightforward and not time-consuming, appealing to readers who want quick solutions. The addition of “Backed by Science” adds credibility and makes the content more appealing by implying that the advice is supported by research rather than just personal opinion. The listicle format makes the information easy to skim and digest, which is perfect for readers who are looking for quick and practical advice. Additionally, the promise of scientifically-backed tips adds an extra layer of trustworthiness, making the content more shareable.

How to Promote Your Link Bait?

To promote your link bait, use social media, email newsletter, customer social media groups/pages, press release, and email outreach. 

Let’s discuss each of them in detail:

  • Social Media

Promoting your link bait through social media platforms by identifying the platforms where your target audience is most active, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Reddit. Craft engaging posts that highlight the key points of your link bait, using eye-catching images, infographics, and videos to capture attention. Incorporate relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts and mention influencers and organizations that might be interested in your content. Schedule your posts at optimal times to maximize reach, and actively engage with your audience by responding to comments, questions, and shares. 

  • Email Newsletter

Email newsletters offer a direct way to reach your existing audience and encourage them to share your link bait. Segment your email list based on interests, behavior, or demographics to customize your message effectively. Craft a compelling subject line that grabs attention and hints at the value your link bait offers. In the body of the email, provide a brief summary or teaser of the link bait, along with a clear call to action (CTA) to read more. Enhance the email with visuals such as images, GIFs, or short videos to make the email more engaging. 

  • Customer Social Media Groups/Pages

Promoting link bait within customer social media groups or pages tap into a highly engaged and relevant audience. Start by identifying and joining groups or pages related to your niche on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or specialized forums. Before posting, ensure you understand the group’s rules and guidelines to avoid being flagged as spam. Share your link bait as a valuable piece of information or solution to a common problem, rather than just a promotion. Participate in discussions and provide insightful comments to build trust and credibility within the group. 

  • Press Release

A well-crafted press release attracts media attention and generates high-authority backlinks. Ensure your link bait has a newsworthy angle or hook that is interesting for journalists and media outlets. Write a concise and engaging press release that highlights the key points of your link bait, including quotes and statistics if applicable. Target relevant media outlets, journalists, and bloggers who cover your industry or topic, and send them your press release. Follow up with a personalized email or call to increase the chances of coverage. 

  • Email Outreach

Direct email outreach to influencers, bloggers, and websites in your industry generate high-quality backlinks and increase the visibility of your link bait. Start by creating a list of potential targets who are interested in your content. Craft personalized emails that explain why your link bait is valuable to their audience and how your content complements their existing content. Focus on building relationships rather than just asking for a link; engage with their content, share their posts, and offer value in your communication. If you don’t get a response, send a polite follow-up email after a week or two. 

What is the Importance of Natural Links for SaaS Websites?

Natural links, also known as organic links, are hyperlinks to your website that are created naturally by other websites without any direct approach or payment. For Software as a Service (SaaS) websites, natural links are particularly valuable for several reasons. Firstly, natural links enhance SaaS SEO. Search engines like Google view natural links as a vote of confidence in your content’s relevance and quality, improving your website’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs), driving more organic traffic to your site. 

Secondly, natural links help in building credibility and authority within your industry. When reputable websites link to your content, the linking signals to both search engines and users that your website is a trusted source of information. Lastly, natural links contribute to sustained referral traffic. High-quality links from authoritative websites drive a steady stream of visitors to your SaaS platform, potentially converting them into paying customers.

Getting natural links for SaaS websites requires a strategic approach focused on creating valuable content, building relationships, and using industry opportunities. Here are some effective strategies to acquire natural links:

  • Create High-Quality Content: Develop informative, engaging, and shareable content such as blog posts, whitepapers, case studies, and infographics. Content that addresses common pain points, offers solutions, and provides unique insights is more likely to be linked to by other websites.
  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for reputable blogs and websites within your industry. Ensure that your content is valuable and relevant to the host site’s audience. In return, include a link back to your SaaS website in the author bio or within the content if appropriate.
  • Build Relationships with Influencers: Engage with influencers, bloggers, and industry leaders on social media and through direct outreach. Share their content, participate in discussions, and collaborate on projects. Building these relationships lead to natural link opportunities as they may reference your content on their own.
  • Use Social Media: Promote your content on social media platforms to increase the visibility and chances of being linked to. Encourage your followers to share your content, and participate in relevant industry groups and discussions to reach a broader audience.
  • Create Shareable Tools and Resources: Develop free tools, templates, and resources that are highly useful to your target audience. These types of content are often linked to by other websites as valuable resources.
  • Engage in Community Forums and Q&A Sites: Participate in industry-specific forums, communities, and Q&A sites like Quora and Reddit. Provide valuable answers and insights, and include links to your relevant content when appropriate.
  • Monitor Mentions and Earned Links: Use tools like Google Alerts, Ahrefs, or SEMrush to monitor mentions of your brand or content. Reach out to websites that mention your brand but haven’t linked to your site and request a link.
  • Host Webinars and Events: Organize webinars, online workshops, and events that provide value to your audience. Promote these events through various channels and encourage attendees to share links to the event page, which lead to natural backlinks.
Picture of Matt Emgi
Matt Emgi
Matt is the Founder and Head of Link Building of EMGI. Matt is an experienced Link Builder and SEO Consultant who has worked with clients across many SaaS verticals - AI SaaS, Lead Gen SaaS, HR SaaS, and Cybersecurity SaaS to name but a few. Matt has built a significant following on LinkedIn and is viewed as one of the top names in SaaS link building.

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