Linkable Assets for SaaS: Easy Guide to Earn Quality Links 2024

Linkable Assets for SaaS Link Building

Linkable assets for SaaS are specialized content pieces that SaaS companies create to attract high-quality backlinks from other websites. These assets go beyond typical content; they are crafted to provide unique value, demonstrate the software’s capabilities, and establish the brand’s authority in the industry. Types of linkable assets include quality on-page articles/blogs, infographics, reports, ultimates guides, list posts, case studies, editorial backlinks, statistics, interactive tools, resource pages and calculators which offer valuable insights, solve problems, and showcase expertise, making them highly attractive to other websites looking to link to authoritative sources.

SaaS websites boost their domain authority by earning high-quality backlinks which directly influences their visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). Well-crafted linkable assets improve SEO and rankings, enhance brand authority and trust, lead to higher generation and conversion rates, increase website traffic, and create long-term content value and customer retention. The essential characteristics of effective linkable assets are high-quality content, value to the audience, shareable/viral elements, unique insights, and strong visual appeal to engage and attract an audience. These assets help build credibility and trust with potential customers and industry peers. 

This easy and ultimate guide on earning high-quality links through Linkable assets for SaaS websites provides a comprehensive overview of creating effective linkable assets, their benefits, their types, essential characteristics, and everything in between to boost your SEO and build your brand’s authority. 

What are Linkable Assets?

Linkable assets are high-quality pieces of content specifically designed to attract backlinks from other websites featured on content pages and have a higher chance of serving as valuable resources that others want to share or reference.

Linkable assets improve a website’s SEO, provide value to your niche, and increase online visibility. By creating content that is informative, engaging, and useful, these assets drive traffic through social shares and build authority by earning natural backlinks from other reputable sites which, in turn, boosts search engine rankings and increases the website’s overall credibility.

What are Linkable Assets for SaaS Websites?

For SaaS websites, linkable assets are specialized content pieces that attract backlinks and demonstrate the software’s unique value proposition which include quality on-page articles/blogs, reports, guides, industry benchmarks, interactive tools, data-driven case studies, and infographics that provide actionable insights or solutions relevant to the SaaS audience. 

Linkable assets for SaaS websites serve as powerful tools for building domain authority, driving targeted traffic, and enhancing brand credibility. By creating content that provides unique value, SaaS companies attract high-quality backlinks from authoritative sites, improving their search engine rankings and visibility. These assets help position the SaaS brand as a thought leader in its industry, fostering trust among potential customers which boosts organic traffic and increases conversion opportunities, making linkable assets essential for long-term growth and success in the competitive SaaS market.

What are the Benefits of Linkable Assets for SaaS?

The benefits of Linkable assets for SaaS include improving SEO and rankings, enhancing brand authority and trust, increasing website traffic, leading generation and conversion, and creating long-term content value. 

Linkable assets naturally attract high-authority backlinks from reputable sources, which in turn boost the authority of your website and provide opportunities for effective internal linking within your website. By earning these backlinks, your domain’s trustworthiness and visibility in search engines are significantly improved.

Here are the detailed advantages of Linkable Assets for SaaS:

Improves SEO and Rankings

Improved SEO and Rankings refer to the enhancement of a website’s visibility on search engines through better positioning on search engine results pages (SERPs), leading to increased organic traffic and overall online presence. High-quality linkable assets naturally attract backlinks from other websites, which signal to search engines that your content is valuable and authoritative. The linkable assets support link building strategies for SaaS websites with more natural backlinks. The more natural backlinks your SaaS Website accumulates, the stronger your domain authority becomes. As your domain authority increases, so does your likelihood of achieving higher positions on SERPs which directly impacts your visibility, as higher rankings lead to more organic traffic. By optimizing your linkable assets for relevant keywords, you effectively target search terms that your audience is actively looking for. 

Enhances Brand Authority and Trust

Enhanced Brand Authority and Trust occur when a brand consistently produces valuable and credible content, establishing itself as a reliable source of information within its industry, which fosters trust among its audience. Publishing valuable, in-depth content positions your brand as a thought leader in the SaaS industry. By sharing insights, research, and unique perspectives, you differentiate your brand from competitors and gain recognition as an authority. Consistently producing high-quality linkable assets builds trust with your audience and industry peers. When your content is well-researched and reliable, it encourages others to reference and link back to it, reinforcing your credibility. Being cited and linked to reputable sources enhances your brand’s reputation as an industry expert which boosts your authority and increases your influence within the SaaS community.

Increases Website Traffic

Increased Website Traffic refers to the growth in the number of visitors to your website, driven by various channels such as organic search, referrals, and social media, contributing to greater online visibility and potential customer engagement. Backlinks from authoritative sites drive referral traffic to your website. When visitors click through from a trusted source, they are more likely to engage with your content and explore your offerings. Improved SEO rankings result in higher visibility, which naturally leads to an increase in organic traffic. As your content ranks higher on search engines, more users discover and visit your site. Engaging and valuable content is more likely to be shared on social media, amplifying your reach. When your content resonates with your audience, they are inclined to share it, driving additional traffic to your site.

Lead Generation and Conversion

Lead Generation and Conversion involve attracting potential customers and guiding them through the sales funnel, ultimately converting them into paying customers by addressing their needs and offering solutions. High-quality linkable assets naturally attract a relevant audience interested in your SaaS solution. By targeting specific pain points and offering valuable insights, you draw in visitors who are more likely to convert. You can use linkable assets as lead magnets to capture visitor information and nurture potential customers. Offering valuable content in exchange for contact details helps build your email list and facilitates targeted marketing. Well-crafted content that addresses pain points and offers solutions converts visitors into customers, boosting your overall ROI.

Long-Term Content Value 

Long-Term Content Value refers to the enduring benefits of high-quality content that attracts traffic, generates backlinks, and engages audiences over an extended period, providing ongoing value to a website’s SEO efforts. High-quality linkable assets are evergreen content which ensures that your content maintains its value over time and continues to contribute to your website’s success. Unlike promotional content, linkable assets provide long-term value and continue to benefit your SEO efforts.  Regularly updated and maintained linkable assets keep attracting new visitors and maintaining engagement. By refreshing your content and keeping it current, you ensure it remains a valuable resource for your audience.

What are the Types of Linkable Assets?

The types of linkable assets are infographics, case studies, tools and calculators, statistics, ultimate guides, list posts, research, blogs, editorial backlinks, and resource pages. 

The details of each type of Linkable asset are given below:


An infographic is a visual representation of information or data, designed to make complex concepts easy to understand. Infographics combine images, charts, and minimal text to create a clear, memorable way of conveying information.

Infographics are powerful linkable assets because they are visually and textually concise, making them easy to consume and share. Infographic link building is one of the best strategy to get natural backlinks because infographics naturally attract backlinks from other websites that find them useful as a resource. Infographics are embedded in content pages and widely shared across social media platforms, leading to increased social shares and visibility. The ability of infographics to present information in a clear, memorable format makes them a go-to choice for creating content that drives traffic and builds authority online.

Case studies

Case studies are detailed analyses of specific instances, events, or projects within a real-world context that involve an in-depth study of a particular subject, providing insights into processes, outcomes, and lessons learned.

Case studies are valuable linkable assets because they offer an in-depth study that provides unique insights and practical examples, making them highly credible and authoritative, attracting backlinks from other websites looking for reliable sources. As a result, case studies are referenced in academic papers, industry reports, and content pages that seek to support arguments or illustrate points with real-world evidence.

Tools and calculators

Tools and calculators are interactive online applications that help users perform specific tasks, such as calculating costs, assessing risks, or planning budgets which provide immediate, practical solutions based on user input.

Tools and calculators are effective linkable assets because they offer valuable, hands-on assistance, making them highly useful for a wide audience. As high-quality pieces of content, they naturally attract backlinks from websites that find them beneficial as a resource for their users. The interactive features of tools and calculators are embedded in content pages and widely promoted through social shares, further increasing their reach and impact.


Statistics are numerical data or findings derived from research, surveys, or analyzing company data. They provide concrete evidence and insights into specific trends, behaviors, or outcomes.

Statistics are valuable linkable assets because they offer precise and credible information that is essential for supporting arguments, making decisions, and understanding trends. Statistics are easy to share and attract backlinks from other websites and content pages that need reliable data to back up their claims. The role of statistics as a trusted resource makes them highly sought after, ensuring they are frequently linked to and cited by other content creators and organizations.

Ultimate guides

Ultimate guides are comprehensive, all-in-one resources that cover a specific topic in great detail and aim to provide everything a reader needs to know about a subject, combining expert insights, practical tips, and actionable steps.

Ultimate guides are powerful Link Magnets as they serve as go-to Linkable assets for anyone seeking in-depth information on a topic. As high-quality pieces of content, they naturally attract backlinks from other websites looking to reference or share well-researched material. Ultimate guides are widely promoted through social shares due to their value as a comprehensive resource. The thoroughness and authority of link posts make them highly linkable, driving traffic and enhancing SEO.

List posts

List posts are articles that organize information into a numbered or bullet-point format, focusing on a collection of items, techniques, myths, tools, tips, or resources related to a specific topic. They are designed for quick and easy consumption.

List posts are effective linkable assets because they present information in a clear, concise, and digestible format. Readers find list posts useful for quickly accessing a curated selection of items, techniques, myths, tools, tips, or resources. The straightforward structure of list posts makes them highly shareable and attracts backlinks from other websites looking to reference a comprehensive and organized set of information. These posts are popular on content pages and frequently promoted through social media, enhancing their reach and impact.


Research involves the systematic investigation and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions which include original studies, experiments, or analysis of existing data to provide fresh insights.

Research is a valuable linkable asset because it offers authoritative and credible information that others can rely on. As high-quality pieces of content, research findings attract backlinks from websites looking to reference reliable data or support their arguments. Research is included in content pages as a key resource for providing evidence and context. Well-conducted research is frequently shared across social media, leading to increased social shares and visibility. Its role in offering new knowledge makes research highly sought after and widely cited.


Blogs are regularly updated online entries or articles that cover a wide range of topics, from personal experiences to industry insights.

Blogs are effective linkable assets because they provide timely and relevant content that engages readers. By addressing common myths, offering practical techniques or tips, and discussing useful tools or resources, blogs attract a broad audience. Their ability to cover various items of interest makes them versatile and shareable, increasing the likelihood of earning backlinks from other sites and becoming a valuable part of content strategies.

Resource Pages

A Resource Page, or Resource Center, is a curated collection of valuable content, tools, and links related to a specific topic or industry which are designed to serve as a one-stop hub for users seeking information, guidance, and tools.

Resource Pages are highly effective Linkable assets because they bring together high-quality pieces of content, tools, and references in one location, making them incredibly useful for visitors. By offering a well-organized and comprehensive resource, resource pages naturally attract backlinks from other websites that want to share or reference them as a helpful guide. Often featured on content pages and widely circulated through social shares, Resource Pages drive traffic, enhance user experience, and build authority, making them valuable assets in any content strategy.

What are the Characteristics of Linkable Assets?

Characteristics of linkable assets include key elements such as High-quality Content, Value to Audience, Shareable Elements, Unique Insights, and Visual Appeal which make linkable assets unique by combining quality, accuracy, and reliability with a professional presentation. Such assets stand out, build strong backlinks, improve SEO and offer something distinct that encourages others to share and reference them.

Following are the key features of effective linkable assets:

High-quality Content

High-quality content is the foundation of a strong linkable asset which involves accuracy, reliability, and quality of the information. When content is well-researched, correctly cited, and visually polished, it builds trust with the audience and increases the likelihood of earning backlinks from reputable sources.

Value to Audience

A Linkable asset must provide value to the audience to be successful. The content should address specific needs, answer relevant questions, and solve particular problems of the target audience. When content is helpful and relevant, it naturally attracts more links.

Shareable/Virality Elements

Shareable elements in the content significantly enhance its linkability. Shareable elements include creating content that is easy to share across social media platforms, has engaging headlines, and has interactive tools and visuals that encourage sharing. The more shareable the content, the higher the chances of it going viral and earning backlinks.

Unique Insights

Unique insights in a linkable asset set it apart from other content. Whether insights are through original research, a new perspective on a topic, or exclusive data, offering something that can’t be easily found elsewhere makes the content more attractive for others to link to.

Visual Appeal

Visual appeal captures and maintains the audience’s attention. A well-designed linkable asset features a clean layout, eye-catching images, infographics, and a structure that enhances readability. A visually appealing asset keeps the audience engaged and increases the likelihood of assets being shared and linked to.

Are Niche Edits Better than Link Building Through Linkable Assets?

Yes, Niche Edits are better for quick, cost-effective SEO boosts, particularly if you need immediate results and have budget constraints. 

Niche edits provide immediate SEO benefits since the content is already indexed and ranked, giving your link instant visibility and contributing to faster search engine ranking improvements. The link is placed within relevant content, ensuring contextual relevance that enhances your search engine rankings by attracting more targeted traffic to your site.

Niche edits are more cost-effective and time-efficient than creating high-quality linkable assets, as they eliminate the need for content creation and outreach, and involve modifying existing content rather than creating new material, allowing for quicker execution of SEO strategies. 

Picture of Matt Emgi
Matt Emgi
Matt is the Founder and Head of Link Building of EMGI. Matt is an experienced Link Builder and SEO Consultant who has worked with clients across many SaaS verticals - AI SaaS, Lead Gen SaaS, HR SaaS, and Cybersecurity SaaS to name but a few. Matt has built a significant following on LinkedIn and is viewed as one of the top names in SaaS link building.

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